
CABIN (kab’in) n. A small, roughly built house; cottage; hut.

CAMP (Fr. Camp, a camp) n. A tent, cabin, or the like, used for outings or vacations.

COTTAGE (kot’ij) n. 1. A small, single-storied country house. 2. A small summer house used during vacations.

TRAILER (tra'ler) n. One of the above on wheels. It could be hauled from place to place, but when it stays put it's one of the above.





Welcome to Cabin and Camp. We're building a community of people who love small, simple spaces in beautiful places, and we hope you'll join us. This is a grand experiment for me, so I hope you'll bear with me as I flounder around trying to make this a place you'll want to come back to again and again.
We've lived in our cabin now for almost 15 years, and during those years, as you can imagine, we've looked for advice and support here, there and everywhere.  I always felt that what the world needed was a website where cabin people could share maintenance advice, animal control (non-existent, I know), recipes, gardening and decorating tips, fireside stories, photo albums, and anything else we cabin dwellers could think of.  But most of all I thought we needed lots and lots of good company.  (Not in our cabins so much;  there's no space for all of us.  But on this vast World Wide Web, we can be one big, happy family. . .)

Mona's Blog is here, with a place for comments.  I would love to hear from you.)



goldpasty.jpgWe're proud to announce that the great Up North websitesmallgold.gifsmallgold.gifsmallgold.gif Pasty Central has  awarded Cabin & Camp the Golden Pasty Award for website excellence.  Click on the picture and you'll find us on the list.  And while you're there,  check out the rest of their website.   Good stuff for cabin folks.